Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week 3

It seemed to work pretty well last week, so I think I'll just copy over my preliminary notes.

Absolute v relative links:

  • Absolute links include the full website address. Relative links usually only include the final bit and are dependent on the directory structure of the website. They can be viewed locally on the computer (offline) as well as online. They can be just about any type of file, though only some of them can be opened in a browser. Other types of files will be downloaded

An IMG tag is the most common way to add graphics to an html page. Web standard for graphics is 72 dpi.

There are 2 main types of files used.

  • JPEG – joint photographic experts group. Compression is “lossy”, which means that it throws away subtle colour differences. The larger a file size, the better the quality, and vice versa. It’s important to find a balance between quality and size, but you have to remember that once an image has been compressed (and saved), the compression can’t be reversed.
  • GIF – graphic interchange format. It uses a compression algorithm and it is a lossless compression. It’s better for type, vector, flat or hard-edged images. It can also handle animation.
  • PNG is less standardized, but is becoming more common. They’re larger than GIF files and do not always display properly in older browsers. This means you have to create 2 different files to substitute an alternative.

I have an article and a book chapter to summarize, which I post separately.

We’re also getting started with Fireworks this week. Fireworks is something I knew absolutely nothing about, but it’s really cool. You can work with both vector images and bitmaps in the same program. That’s just crazy talk there.

Fireworks CS4 can import Photoshop files and still maintain all of the information, including layer hierarchy. I’m stunned. This is going to take a little while to process.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 2

This week I took notes while I watched some of the tutorial videos on By the way, if you have a need to learn just about any type of technical or creative software on the market, check them out. There are some free videos available or you can subscribe to their service. Considering the cost of purchasing training videos or taking an actual class, the cost is quite reasonable.

Anyway, back to my notes. I've decided to just post them as I wrote them, with some slight editing for spelling errors that happened due to the speed at which I was typing.

  • When you put an image on a page, or link to another file, Dreamweaver puts code on the page which then tells the browser where it can find the file or image. If you move things around outside of Dreamweaver, you would have to make any changes manually. If you do it via the file panel, Dreamweaver updates all the links automatically. It also updates the links on other pages that link to that page.
  • You can create new files and folders through the Files panel. If you create a new file, always remember to add the extension, such as .html.
  • It’s possible to change the Document Type Declaration if you mess up or if you bring in a page from an old website. Dreamweaver will change the coding so that the page will then have the correct standards for the new DTD.

This is really just the tip of the iceburg. I had yet another root canal, making me a bit fuzzy headed again this week. I'm still on penicillin for the abscessed tooth, but even so, I think everything is really starting to sink in. I may enjoy this class yet. My main hope is that I will no longer fear coding, and so far, it's looking a little less scary each day.